Tuesday, March 04, 2008

hope in a hopeful time

It is the same day and God you are kind. I so am amazed at how you speak to me. I am grateful to your tender arms that hold me so close. To hold me fast in a time of great change with so little the same. I know you will not leave or let me go. I am firm in your hands. Please protect me from the evil one who wants to crush me and my life with hopelessness and death of dreams and all. Please protect the ones I love-the same prayer for them-protect them. Give us great HOPE Father---bring incredible life to each of us, as we but pass this way but one time. We will walk oneday into the Kingdom of Heaven, for all eternity. Help each of us to walk tall, knowing YOU, knowing HOPE, knowing your constant presence. Knowing nothing can separate us from you or even each other, the ones who know you. That we have been promised this. I choose today again whom I will serve. I choose today again for a sound mind. I choose today again-to walk tall, strong in you but weak in myself and anything I can bring. I lay myself again before you--use me Father to show your kingdom. Show others yourself in my life however you want. I am loved so by you. I love your deep love for me. I rest in this truth. Your love is deeper and wider than anything. This love captured Sarah and holds her and she abides there now. Help me to know this so deep, in the depth of my soul, to find peace in this. I trust you Father.

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