Monday, March 10, 2008

Jonathan Livingston Seagull--or was it you?

Today after I came home from having lunch after church with Christopher and his friend--I felt somehow to stay in the garage-the door was open and Rick would be here soon. I was putzing around and when I turned around-here was a seagull standing right outside the garage door--looking right at me. I have never seen a gull do this--and here in the midst of 3 feet of fresh snow. The drive had been plowed, so there were puddles in the drive. The gull would go and drink some of the fresh water and then walk back towards me. He even came into the garage about 5 times and walked around with me. I have never seen a gull do this. I felt this was extremely holy---like somehow Sarah was letting me know she was ok--visiting me....not sure how all that works or how odd that stuff can get, but had a very strong sense of this being very real and about her. I felt very peaceful and happy! I felt reassured, felt great about it. I was talking to Marty on the phone too at the time and she knew it too. Then Rick got there, the gull didn't go far, I was feeding him some bread by then--Rick got to see him too....I kept feeding him, then we looked again and he was gone. It was a holy moment--one that I needed---just missing you fiercely--did talk with Christopher later and told him--think it meant something to him too. Helped me. Feel so empty for you at times. Feel so final about all this--and want to keep the remembrance of eternity and seeing you in heaven there too. Just am thankful for this today. Thanks God--know you let it happen!! I am blessed....


Anonymous said...

As much as the realness of the empty places are that Sarah filled... and emptiness is so huge. God comes in so many of those places and is filling them with His kindness. Like the seagull visiting you... I believe it was God and Sarah sending you the message of Jonathan Livingston Seagull... pursue your dreams and passion... GO FOR IT in this life. Embrace the sorrow... but don't let the sorrow embrace you. Go for love and life! I thank our Father for being so real and present!
I love you my dear sister!!!

christine said...

I agree dear sister. you have good words...I love you too.