Thursday, April 19, 2018

Sacred ground

I feel like I am walking in a luminal space this these hours. We are with our friends Karen and Joe, remembering our kids, Joey and Sarah.

Tender steps, a 10 year anniversary is before them and just recently in our rear-view mirror.  How? How did we make it this far? Some moments it feels as though it was yesterday, we strain to hear their voices. And yet... It is. So very missed, these 2, "full of life", kids with so much poured into them.
I'm quiet in my heart, holding each beat as we remember... Holds hands and share joy filled memories. Sacred space.


Karen said...

Just found this today. So touched my heart. I love your Sarah almost as much as my Joey. Beautiful vibrant loving joy-filled creative overflowing souls. Poured into a wider heavenly cup for reasons we don't yet know-- but choose to accept because it comes from the loving hands of the Potter. So very thankful for you, your words, your love, your ministry in my heart. You too are a fountain of love. Someday....

christine said...

I read this sometime ago and didn't write back. You are a gift to me on this journey. Your ache in your heart has the same sound as mine...I see and hear you, my dear friend. I know our kids--now in heaven, know one another and allow us to connect on this side. Someday, we will have a reunion that is wild and full. I love you!